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Influencer Marketing2024

We help you manage, validate, measure, and scale influencer marketing programs built on relationships! We produce bespoke campaigns with credible, authentic, social media influencers in Malaysia and Indonesia.

01 Focus

Influencer Marketing Agency in Malaysia with an extensive network of industry specific influencers & years of experience managing Influencer Marketing Campaigns in Malaysia. Industry perfect for influencer marketing activity include:

  • cosmetics
  • travel & hospitality
  • fashion
  • sports and fitness
  • health & beauty

02 Approach

By collaborating with influencers on content to achieve mutually beneficial goals, we ensure your brands can achieve multiple business objectives including: Reach new communities of buyers and even more niche influencers Create more, high quality content for marketing Create valuable relationships with influencers to advocate for the brand Increase brand through connections to industry influencers.

03 Solution

Our experienced team of marketing specialists will create marketing strategy that considers every aspect of your influencer marketing campaign. Whether you’re a brand looking to partner with influencers or need to understand how our influencer marketing services can help get the world talking about your brand.

Why Choose Us?

Our core values that make Innovative Hub exist today is that we care for every single detail in each project. Working on each of them just like how we build our business from the ground, with hearts & souls. No shortcut or smart tricks, purely genuine approach. Solution-Oriented We don’t have a product or service to sell, we provide solutions that drive business success. Top in the Field Our people are extremely well-trained and experienced in digital marketing solutions. You can trust us with your marketing.

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